Listen to discussion around these important questions:
Why does a well-rounded education matter now and in the future?
What is in the Governor’s Budget for Education?
How is COVID-19 exacerbating learning loss disparities in our state?
What programs and strategies exist for Learning Loss Recovery and Acceleration.
Click here for a PowerPoint copy of the Town Hall Presentation
Please submit a Post-Town Hall Survey!

ICYMI: MEC Town Hall
(Recorded: January 27, 2021)
STATE AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS for FY 2020 & 2021 Statewide & Each Local Jurisdiction
- Approved State Aid to Local Governments for Public Education Expenses by major category and by local school system (Estimates subject to changes)
NEW - Special Education and Your Child with an IEP During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Brief Guide for Parents - As parents throughout Maryland begin the process of negotiating “continuity of learning” plans for their children with disabilities, Disability Rights Maryland (DRM) offers the following information and suggestions to assist parents in the process. The document also includes a link to just released Technical Bulletin. Click HERE for more details >>>
JUNE 2019 - Maryland State Board of Education approves updated regulations for Gifted & Talented Education and the Gifted & Talented Student Group
Among the new requirements for Gifted & Talented Education in Maryland include:
Each local school system shall establish an equitable process for identifying gifted and talented students
A universal screening process shall be used to identify at least 10 percent in each local school system
Each school system shall provide different services beyond those normally provided by the regular school program
Gifted and talented students are found in all Maryland schools and in all cultural, ethnic, and economic groups. The intent of this chapter is to provide local school systems with direction for identifying students and developing and implementing the gifted and talented education programs and services needed to develop these students’ full potential. These regulations establish the minimum standards for student identification, programs and services, professional learning, and reporting requirements.
See the new regulations at:
More on Gifted & Talented in Maryland at:
The New Maryland Report Card
Goes Beyond Test Scores and includes a broad selection of performance indicators
See details at:
Practice Masking, Hand-washing
and Social Distancing.
MEC urges ALL members, partners, friends and
communities to remain Smart, Safe and Healthy.